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Doktah Jekyll B2B Skant The DJ duo smashing out the Birmingham scene, they will be smashing up the Dubs the Doktah has been creating in his mad laboratory! Frenetic and Arttu Jungle and DnB monsters in their own right always ready to smash out some vibes especially on our humble little system ;) Flash Harry One of our longest serving residents, and one of our hardest hitting, from the smallest venues to Festival main stages Flash has never failed to make a crowed move their feet, hailing from Sika studios Flashes cross genre high energy mixes will take you on a journey full of good vibes! Mc Natty D Hosting and Toasting once more, Natty is one Birmingham Mc who is a force that cannot be stopped, with implicit mic-manship and expertly delivered lyrical prowess we trust he will guide you through our musical journey.


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