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Artistes Known as Us Tickets

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Artistes Known as Us

Damo Funk (Damo) of Damo Funk Productions was the instigator of this project and long held ideal since 2008 to produce his own music in collaboration with life long friend and sidekick James... We are... ARTISTES KNOWN AS US - DAMIAN (DAMO FUNK) - PRODUCER/WRITER/COMPOSER JAMES RENFORD - SAXAPHONIST & COLLABORATOR ON MOST TRACKS IAN SMIRTHWAITE - GUITARIST AND COOL DUDE! With Guest Musicians and Vocalists on occassion... Artistes Known as Us… is a musical collaboration of 30 years experience between them of Live Music, writing tracks and performing with the best; culminating in a vigorous writing process which began in 2013 culminating in the launch of the finished project our first digital release in June 2016 'The Saxophony Dreamscape E.P. part I'. Thus our journey was born of mixing electronic derived beats and sounds with live instruments and vocals and twisting that electronically too! All born out of our love for the music from ambient breakbeats to Tech-House Funk and Trance, with its foundations strictly in Soul, Funk, Jazz, 80's Nu Romantic and DeepHouse Music (with a 'tech' twist). An accessible thinking persons dance music that can appeal to all… and we can do it live what we do on record! You really need to hear "Us"!


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