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Valve Soundsystem Information

The Valve Sound System is a touring sound system specifically designed for the playback of drum and bass music. Created by UK artists, Dillinja and Lemon D, the system has a total power output of 96kW. The system consists of 52 subwoofers (designed and built for the valve system) as well as Mid-High cabs made by Funktion One. The full system is not used in smaller venues. It was designed exclusively for drum and bass acoustics and as such is the first of its kind.
  The inspiration for the system came from the reggae sound systems which were popular in the 1970s and 1980s. Growing up in the 80s, Dillinja was turned on to the reggae sound through the systems of such artists as King Tubby of Jamaica and Jah Shaka of the UK. Later, as a DJ, producer, and label boss, he came to be frustrated at the lack of quality at many of the club sound systems when DJing around the UK and abroad, particularly with respect to the deep bass sounds often present in drum and bass. Today, Dillinja refuses to play even `standard` club systems believing them to be inadequate to fully reproduce the bass frequencies to his levels.
  The whole system has to be carried around in three 7.5 tonne lorries and is generally arrayed as 6 speaker stacks, each around 18 feet wide and 9 feet high.  


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