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TheTicketSellers provide one of only a few truly independent and reliable ticket solutions. Good people, with a real events background, who fully understand the challenges faced.
─ Jon, Shambala Festival
Welcome to Saddlers Soul. It's about Northern Soul, The Music, The Feel and the amazing friendly people who create the most wonderful atmosphere. We endeavour to bring you the Best of the UK's Soul DJ's, along with the cream of our local talent. Regulars Chris King, Dave Evison and Little Scotty bring a vast amount of experience, enthusiasm and knowledge to the table. Along with the likes of Ted Massey, Dave Rimmer, Mick Moylan, Big Al Shaw, Martin Preston, Mick Bennett and John Barker, you are guaranteed a great night. Doors open at 7:30pm, we start at 8:00pm and the night finishes at 2:00am We advise you to buy tickets in advance.
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