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TheTicketSellers provide one of only a few truly independent and reliable ticket solutions. Good people, with a real events background, who fully understand the challenges faced.
─ Jon, Shambala Festival
Tailored for movie-lovers, by movie-lovers, Cinemasters Of The Universe brings you a unique, unorthodox and unparalleled pop-up cinema experience, showing the films you love the way they were made to be seen - on the silver screen.
Strutting into Birmingham's legendary Rainbow Warehouse in April 2013, Cinemasters will offer up nightly double-bills and weekend matinees. Showing cinematic masterpieces, cult classics and world-class bad movies in a bespoke underground environment, this event will excite anyone who loves the magic of the big screen. Loaded with fresh artisan cinema snacks, a fully-stocked bar and the wildest, best-looking audience since the Gremlins invaded Kingston Falls Movie Theater, Cinemasters Of The Universe will remind you why you love cinema, and just how electric, delicious and awesome going to the pictures can be.
Join us. Cinemaster your destiny.
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