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TheTicketSellers provide one of only a few truly independent and reliable ticket solutions. Good people, with a real events background, who fully understand the challenges faced.
─ Jon, Shambala Festival
he RoadHouse Venue The RoadHouse Club was first set up on an informal basis for local friends and music lovers after the closure and eventual demoltion of the nearby "Breedon Bar" - for many years the area`s leading music venue.What had been just a bar in a sports centre was transformed into today's GREAT venue. From very humble beginnings with decidedly sparse facilities and equipment, we have progressed steadily since 1999 to the stage now where The RoadHouse Birmingham is widely regarded amongst both artistes and audiences as one of the best live venues in the Midlands.
The venue itself is acoustically excellent with a superbquality PA plus lighting and capacity for 250 people. We are renowned for our intimate, relaxed and friendly ambience to rival even the established top venues, with more comfortable, interesting and visually appealing surroundings than almost anywhere else.
The RoadHouse Birmingham must surely be your first choice for a great night out; with first class musicians from all over the world. With FREE admission nights and great value ticket prices, we present musical genres to suit most tastes from accoustic to rock, from bluegrass to reggae.
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