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TheTicketSellers provide one of only a few truly independent and reliable ticket solutions. Good people, with a real events background, who fully understand the challenges faced.
─ Jon, Shambala Festival
Carnival RAG is the University of Birmingham's RAG (Raising & Giving) society, which aims to raise £100,000 for local charities annually. We like to cause mayhem through our key events such as Carnage and Enigma, as well as Hitch-Hikes all over the country and internationally. We also run smaller events, alternative projects and break world records. Basically anything fun and random! We also run RAG Raids - bucket shakes in major cities to raise money for local charities.
If you want to get involved, join the facebook group 'Carnival RAG' or check out our website at
We meet every other Tuesday at 7pm - come along and get involved!
Email for more information!
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