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Silent Monkey Information

When SilentMonkey  got wind of the Norwegian doomjazzers, Splashgirl, doing a spring equinox, mini-tour of major towns & cities in the UK, they swung aside their chattering plantains, bought a mini cooper that rattled like Tommy Cooper, and concocted a  bit-of-a-plan.    Just! like that. So, as the weather turned, they contacted the only  Four Susans  that they know and asked them if they would consider supporting Splashgirl's scandalabrous sounds performing in the process Monkey's highly original prime number driven three century spanning tail of revenge redemption and women getting on top of men from Vivaldi in Mantua in 1717 to The New City of Kelostemy Inn in 2017 all done in narrative haiku and poetik toniks ( or so we are told)  And, in the same breath, telling such a seasonal. geographical, elemental, temperamental tail, mashed up in unique composition - musical, graphical, wordical. The Four Susans consented to this damp squib but only on the following 4 conditions : That the Scandinavians be henceforth proclaimed as Soke My Linnet ; their Wikipedia page be splashed all over the mini cooper's door frames ; and the rustbucket's sound system be religiously programmed to  Silent Monkey's 500 catchy tunes (or to one catchy tune looped 500 times ) to boot. Well ! that did it Susan Autumn, finding out that she might be Susan Frog after all, jumped the gun as always and, ignoring that Prime comes before The Fall, gazumped the first gig in Birmingham. Susan Spring and Susan Summer accepted Milton Keynes and Shrewsbury respectively  if not respectfully. Susan Winter agreed to be an ever-present at all THREE gigs   - !cor blimey Whilst Susan Boyle, with a lump in her throat, declined to comment. The rest  as they say  is just  a  very  very  long-lie-down. THREE SCANDINAVIANS,  FOUR SUSANS           AND A HOLE-HEAP OF  OTHER NUMBERS  2 The Splashgirl / SilentMonkey mini-tour, spring equinox 2018 :                            Brum               MK                                                      Shrooms


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