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Win 2 tickets to see Rock n Roll legends Misfits!

The Misfits have been preserved on determination bound by unequaled loyalty to their fiends and the sheer will to survive. "It’s been over 30 years and 30 years from now, people will still be playing our albums because we will never water down what we do,” Only says. “Our goal is to keep perspective on who we are and always stay true to ourselves. The new album will only reinforce how potent the band has become with time. We plan to continue as always, to eclipse the past, block the sun and drag humanity by the throat into a world of darkness filled with ghouls, goblins and creatures of the night, where we are king." One thing is certain, The Misfits are here to stay and every day is Halloween.

Prize: 2 free tickets!
Closing date: 31/01/12

Competition Closed

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