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Other competitions

I'm Fab... In The Bedroom @ Penthouse

I’m Fabulous…In the Bedroom PRESENTS - The NYE Masquerade Ball! @ PENTHOUSE!!!

It's the sexxxiest party of the year and the perfect finale to you wanna come?

Penthouse knows just how to get your juices flowing... with a special New Year’s Eve Masquerade ball, the ultimate in SEXY CHIC!

We kick start the party with Alize cocktails for our first 100 guests! On the night you will the sexiest in R&B, House and Party Anthems across 2 ROOMS! Add to that an electric atmosphere AND loads of giveaways including free T-shirts and CD's.

The Masquerade Ball at Penthouse this New Year’s Eve: We promise you'll want to COME!

Closing date: 30/12/10

Competition Closed

This competition has now closed and the winner was:
Abigail H